Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cheese Tortellini with Tomato Balsamic Sauce and Fresh Basil

2 (9 oz) packages refrigerated cheese tortellini
3 T extra virgin olive oil

3 cloves garlic, minced

1 can Italian diced tomatoes

½ t Italian seasoning

Salt and pepper to taste

3 T balsamic vinegar

¾ oz fresh basil, chopped

2-4 oz feta cheese, crumbled

Boil water for pasta and cook according to the package directions. In another pan, heat olive oil and garlic, add tomatoes, Italian seasoning, salt, pepper, and vinegar. Let sauce simmer until tortellini is done. Add basil to sauce and combine with cheese tortellini. Sprinkle feta cheese on top and serve. Serves 4.

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